David Weber-Krebs (BE/D) is an artist and a researcher based in Brussels. He studied at the University of Fribourg (CH) and the Amsterdam School of the Arts (NL). David explores various contexts as a basis for an experimental process questioning the agency of the spectator on the work of art.

Recent works for theatre are the performances Tonight, Lights out! (2013), Balthazar (2015), The Guardians of Sleep (2017), The Actual Event (2020), The Death of Ivan Ilyich (2021), and The Silencing (2022). Recent works in the field of the visual arts are the installations Immersion (2014) and The Earthly Paradise (2017).

David is the curator of the series of performative conferences On Enclosed Spaces and the Great Outdoors (with Jeroen Peeters) in which they address this question: how are the arts (its questions, forms, research and discourses) challenged by climate change?

He is the initiator and editor of the book and then the doors opened again (Onomatopee) in which 75 authors imagine their first theatre visit after the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown.

David collaborates on a regular basis with different artists and theorists and he teaches at different visual arts and performance academies. He is regularly leading projects and mentoring at different visual arts and performing arts schools, among others, Das Graduate school, the Dutch Art Institute (DAI) and at the Performance department of KASK/School of Arts. David is an alumni of THIRD!, the third cycle research group of Das Graduate school (Amsterdam).

In December 2024, David Weber-Krebs obtained the degree of Doctor in the Arts (Visual Arts) at KASK & Conservatorium / School of Arts and Ghent University with his doctoral research titled Exercising Fragility in Theatres and Beyond.

David is a founding member of Outline VZW alongside Begüm Erciyas and Ula Sickle. OUTLINE is an independent platform that produces and supports their transdisciplinary work.

Previously the work of David Weber-Krebs was produced by Stichting Infinite Endings. Stichting Infinite Endings is based in Amsterdam (NL) and it is a Algemene Nut beogende Instelling in the Netherlands.
The board of Infinite Endings is constituted of Job Rietvelt (president), Yasmina Boudia, Nienke Scholts, Jonas Rutgeerts and Maxime Czvek.


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artistic direction
david weber-krebs: davidweberkrebs@yahoo.fr

artistic assistant
petar sarjanovic: petar@outlineonline.org

managing and administration
émilie legrand: emilie@outlineonline.org

bonsma & reist (bern/brussels)

kaz de groot

copyright 2021 david weber-krebs