What is a service created by an artist?
How would an artist create services for a museum, a neighbourhood, a city?
Could a service be a performance, an installation or an action? The indoor and outdoor spaces of a private art space together with its surroundings (streets, supermarkets, parks etc) become a playground for the artists to create in one-day services nobody would have ever commissioned if not themselves. The audience is called to witness or join in real-time their creation process.
On this first occurrence, Simone Basani has invited David Weber-Krebs to think and perform his unrequested service in the city.
From September until the end of November, David’s unrequested service takes place three days a week at different times, one hour per day in the park of Square Steurs (Saint-Josse-ten-Noode), close to the golden sculpture. A park that normally David visits as a private citizen.
After November the service will inhabit other locations in the city.